This article will cover: The importance of working through the first levels of resistance. Why are you quitting before you really get started?


Achieving the next level of anything is going to require some obstacles discomfort and possibly pain. The average person completely abandons newly set goals and dream after just two weeks. With innumerable options, it takes a more concentrated effort these days to move yourself forward. 

Positive Change requires you to go the extra mile. If it were simple, everyone would be exactly where they wished they could be.  You can accomplish anything you put your mind and heart to if you truly want it.

Understand that you need to deliver a powerful 40 hours at work and find a way to pull off another great 20 for yourself once your home.  The only way to set yourself apart is thru continuous self investment.  Using your private time to level up is a vital step to living your best life ever.  Studies prove that the average person watches 5 hours of TV per day. 35 hours a week! Don’t tell me you don’t have time.


Become Resolved

You have to be resolved that you are going to be the master of your fate the captain of your destiny.  Decide, just simply decide that you are going to maximize your time. Realize that a few extra hours a day and a robust commitment on the weekend is all it will take to focus and get results.  Life gets so busy that just letting go in any and every direction will get you no where close to the path you should be on.

You’re frequently encouraged to “slow down, relax, take it easy, find balance” and just “be happy” with where you are and what you have. Although this can sound great in theory, it can be very difficult for people who abandon every decision to be in control of their lives. 


You must have a purpose, a mission, and a sense of accomplishment for yourself and your family. People who only focus on a paycheck and their core employment only see what others are showing them. You have to see your whole life from your eyes.

Don’t Get it Twisted! No one is going to save you.

No one is going to take care of you or your family if things fall apart. No one is going to “make things” work out for you. The only way to do this is to utilize every day at 24k Life levels.


Happiness, security, confidence, and fulfillment come from utilizing your gifts and energy to achieve whatever you’ve decided success is for you. And it requires your time.

If you want to change your life, take the time to think about what your strengths are and  strategically plan on how to level up to a maximum result.

Plan your time to master your life! 


I’m just telling you like it is—if you want to improve your life it starts with getting past your pain points. How you fight through the difficult times will directly correlate to your success.

What are you doing to improve your life?